Shakespeare gratis, scarica tutte le sue opere ora

Un enorme libro digitale in versione Kindle che puoi scaricare immediatamente gratis qui. Sono infatti oltre 11 mila pagine con tutte le opere di William Shakespeare, ovviamente in inglese.  Anche se non ti serve ora o non hai voglia di leggerti Shakespeare, scaricalo per il futuro soprattutto se studi, non capita sempre di trovare tutto in un volume solo.

Questo volume contiene le seguenti opere:

The Plays.
The Comedies of William Shakespeare.
•All’s Well That Ends Well. (Illustrated)
•As You Like It. (Illustrated)
•Comedy of Errors. (Illustrated)
•Cymbeline. (Illustrated)
•Love’s Labour’s Lost. (Illustrated)
•Measure for Measure. (Illustrated)
•Merchant of Venice. (Illustrated)
•Merry Wives of Windsor. (Illustrated)
•Midsummer Night’s Dream. (Illustrated)
•Much Ado about Nothing. (Illustrated)
•Taming of the Shrew. (Illustrated)
•Tempest. (Illustrated)
•Troilus and Cressida. (Illustrated)
•Twelfth Night. (Illustrated)
•Two Gentlemen of Verona. (Illustrated)
•Winter’s Tale. (Illustrated)

The Histories of William Shakespeare.
•Henry IV, Part 1. (Illustrated)
•Henry IV, Part 2. (Illustrated)
•Henry V. (Illustrated)
•Henry VI, Part 1. (Illustrated)
•Henry VI, Part 2. (Illustrated)
•Henry VI, Part 3. (Illustrated)
•Henry VIII. (Illustrated)
•King John. (Illustrated)
•Pericles. (Illustrated)
•Richard II. (Illustrated)
•Richard III. (Illustrated)

The Tragedies of William Shakespeare.
•Antony and Cleopatra. (Illustrated)
•Coriolanus. (Illustrated)
•Hamlet. (Illustrated)
•Julius Caesar. (Illustrated)
•King Lear. (Illustrated)
•Macbeth. (Illustrated)
•Othello. (Illustrated)
•Romeo and Juliet. (Illustrated)
•Timon of Athens. (Illustrated)
•Titus Andronicus. (Illustrated)

The Sonnets of William Shakespeare.

The Poems of William Shakespeare.

The Biographies of William Shakespeare.
•Some Account Of The Life Of Mr. William Shakespeare By Nicholas Rowe.
•Shakespeare His Life, Art, And Characters By Henry Norman Hudson.
•The People For Whom Shakespeare Wrote By Charles Dudley Warner.
•Life Of William Shakespeare By Sir Sidney Lee.
•Shakespeare’s Family By Mrs. C. C. Stopes. (Inline Footnotes)
•The Man Shakespeare and His Tragic Life Story by Frank Harris.
•Shakespearean Playhouses: A History Of English Theatres Joseph Quincy Adams, Jr. (Illustrated / Inline Footnotes)

The Critical Works of William Shakespeare.
•Notes To Comedies By Samuel Johnson.
•Notes To Tragedies By Samuel Johnson.
•A Study Of Shakespeare By Algernon Charles Swinburne.
•Preface To Shakespeare And Notes On Plays By Samuel Johnson.
•Eighteenth Century Essays On Shakespeare By D. Nichol.
•Shakespeare’s Attitude Toward The Working Classes By Ernest Crosby.
•Shakespearean Tragedy by A. C. Bradley. (Inline Footnotes)
•Leo Tolstoy on Shakespeare – A Critical Essay. (Inline Footnotes)
•Shakespeare By Samuel Taylor Coleridge.
•Characters of Shakespeare’s Plays by William Hazlitt.

OffertaBestseller No. 1


Tu sei il mio intero mondo. Le più belle poesie d\’amore

Shakespeare, William (Autore)
5,90 EUR −5% 5,60 EUR

OffertaBestseller No. 2



Editore: Feltrinelli; Autore: William Shakespeare , A. Lombardo; Collana: Universale economica. I classici
9,50 EUR −5% 9,02 EUR

OffertaBestseller No. 3


Romeo e Giulietta

Editore: Feltrinelli; Autore: William Shakespeare , Agostino Lombardo; Collana: Universale economica. I classici
9,00 EUR −5% 8,55 EUR

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