Not far from Tunbridge Wells in Kent, you can find this house which dates back to 1340. It was the home of the Viscount de L’Isle, and for two centuries the home of the Sidney family, important in Tudor times, in particular Sir Philip Sidney who was an adventurer, soldier and poet during the reign of Elizabeth I.
Penshurst Place has one of the rare interiors from the 1300s and there are several rooms open to the public. In addition to the furniture of the time you can see dozens and dozens of family portraits. Like so many houses of the time, Penshurst Place also has a Long Gallery which was the room used to stroll back and forth when the weather outside did not allow for outdoor walks. The Long Gallery was usually adorned with art and paintings.
Although the Sidney family was only relatively important, there are very few other places that show how a wealthy family lived in the 1300s and 1400s. Besides the house you can explore the garden and park.