Oggi abbiamo un libro gratuito di fiabe moldave in inglese. Si tratta di un volume relativamente recente che si trova online disponibile a tutti. Se non vi interessano le storie, potete sfogliare il libro per vedere le illustrazioni che sono piuttosto belle.
In ogni caso si tratta di una lettura interessante, anche per chi non ha un inglese molto avanzato, le storie sono anche interessanti perché parte di una cultura di cui conosciamo relativamente poco.
Potete comunque scaricare qui il libro in formato .pdf. epub o per il Kindle. Sempre gratis naturalmente.
Breve estratto dal libro di fiabe
[su_quote]Once upon a time there lived an Emperor who had no children. Then a rumor went round, from mouth to mouth, from ear to ear, that if the Empress walked through the Blue Grey Wood, along an untrodden path early in the morning, where the dew was still untouched, she would have a child.
The Empress decided to try whether it were true what she had heard, and really and truly, after some time, she gave birth to a very handsome boy, whom she called Break-of-Day.
Later on the Emperor gave a great christening feast to which all were invited, with rich dishes and music and after, as the custom was, he planted a tree in the garden. The boy grew and the tree grew too. But they did not grow as everybody usually grows.
They grew in a gigantic, fantastic way. In a month or two the boy grew so quickly that he was already a fine young fellow and the tree grew from the earth right up into the sky, so high that its top could not be seen.[/su_quote]
Potete leggere il libro di fiabe moldave in inglese anche online
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