Besides the film studio which will open in Dagenham, there will be another studio which is due to open in Berkshire in West London. The University of Reading has in fact signed an agreement to build a £ 200 million film studio on its Commonwealth Real Estate science park campus, which will lease the land and develop the site, which will be called Shinfield Studios.
It has not yet been decided who the contractors will be but the project is expected to finish within two years. Meanwhile, two other film studios will open near Liverpool where the old Littlewoods Building is located.
To revive the British economy and try to create a future after Brexit, television and film studios could play a big role and create a good number of jobs. Not just for traditional televisions and movie houses but also big new names like Netflix and Amazon which have a pretty intense annual production.
Obviously many of these studios will be around London but as Liverpool shows other cities can compete with London.